Humans are lazy by nature (there is a chance that someone is reading this post right now to avoid picking-up the next Jira ticket, for example). It is too easy to lock ourselves inside our knowledge silos and keep doing the same thing. Maybe you need a routine and predictability, maybe you think you do well this one thing.
Whatever the reason, it is fine. Because at the same time, humans are curious by nature too. You are probably reading this blog because you want to know more about Swift on the server-side, or because you are a mobile developer and wants to know more how back-end works.
I have been involved in Swift for server-side for quite some time, first with Zewo and then following the work of Vapor, Swift Server Work Group and SwiftNIO. And what I have seen lately is a lack of examples and people talking about patterns.
We have plenty of resources about Swift, but so far the actual talk about how to deal with SwiftNIO’s Futures & Promises, how to deal with the ORMs and so on are restricted to GitHub issues, Discord and Slack channels and unit tests of the libraries and frameworks.
This blog stars here with the idea of showing some explorations in this theme and a way to give more awareness of the raising Swift server-side community.